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Who We Are Today

Together we work, we celebrate, we fight, we risk, we laugh, we study, we think, we have a new idea a week,

… and the doors of our farm are always open



I take care of communication, marketing and commercial relations in Northern Italy, I follow with passion all the new ideas to put them into practice and make them flourish, I continuously learn from nature and in the fields.
I have a Ph.D. in Economic Sociology and a specialization in Local Development, I worked as a researcher and consultant in Italy and abroad. Since 2004 I have been an activist in Amnesty International against all forms of discrimination and racism.



I take care of the agronomic phase in the olive and almond groves, the transformation and packaging of oil and almonds. I also deal with marketing and customer relations.
I am an agronomist and for my thesis, I analyzed the olive supply chain and the value chain, comparing the experience of two Protected Designations of Origin (DOP): "Terra di Bari" and "Priego de Cordoba" ( Spain).



I moved from Germany to Italy for love and Puglia is now my home. I deal with commercial relations with Germany and Austria, communication and marketing.
I am an expert in health and wellness promotion and education, and I also worked in Hamburg and London.



I coordinate all the phases of production in the fields, from planting the crops to harvesting. I have been working since 1974 in the agricultural sector, and before that, I also worked in the import, export, and marketing of fruit and vegetable products in Italy and abroad.

The workers' team

The workers' team

We are young agricultural workers of Minervino Murge, a small town in southern Italy, work in the fields is a passion for us, it's creation ... seeds, trees, newborn leaves, taking care of what you've created, finding solutions to manage the unpredictability of nature.



I help whenever needed in the warehouse with the packaging and shipping of our products. I am a kindergarten teacher, I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes in which oil and almonds are obviously the protagonists!


You will discover our history, the agriculture of the territory and obviously taste our products.

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